Teaching sustainability with I-CAN Project
Last May and June, LABC was hosted by the technical High School Norberto Bobbio in Carignano (Turin) for a cycle of lessons dedicated to sustainability and to the topics of I-CAN project. During the lessons, which involved students of second and third grade classes, LABC trainers presented the objectives and results of the project, and discussed important concepts such as climate change, sustainability and responsibility. The students felt involved and expressed their opinion in turn, creating a stimulating and original debate.
Moments dedicated to reflection and theoretical in-depth analysis have been mixed up with practical activities and experiential sessions dedicated to games, creativity and exchange of points of view, also following the methodology of the “Climate Action Guide”.
The lessons – specifically designed to stimulate the students to develop forms of critical thinking to be translated into actions aimed at sustainability and environmental protection- were so successful that they will be repeated in the autumn, in different classes.